Hawks Mountain Ranch
Pygora Goats
Goat Health and Kidding

Lisa Roskopf
Phone: (503) 539-0295
Website: www.hawksmtnranch.com
51920 S.W. Dundee Road  Gaston OR 97119

This page is put together as helpful information in caring for our goats.  As always, you should consult with your veterinarian to help you with your individual herd and kidding management practices.

About Hawks Mountain Ranch Pygora Goats | Our Herd Management Practices | What is A Pygora Goat? | Frequently asked Questions about  Pygora Goats | Pygora Goat Breed Standards | How to Prepare & Spin Pygora Goat Fiber | The Pygora Goat as a Fiber Breed | Our Herd Sires  Magazines, catalogs, books for raising Pygora goats Fun photos of our Pygora Goats and our farm | Shipping our Pygora Goats across the U.S. | Products made from Pygora Goat Fiber | Pygora Goat Health and Kidding Info

E-mail Us:   Lisa@hawksmtnranch.com

 This website and it's contents including all text, photos and graphics, are copyright of Hawks Mountain Ranch  2023©   Please request permission for use of any of it's contents. Thank you!